If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

In 2007, the Article about the capital Astana was added to the Constitution of Kazakhstan

Olzhas Suleimenov - a poet, turcologist, screenwriter, permanent representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to UNESCO was born

In 2007, the Parliament of Kazakhstan adopted amendments to the Constitution that limits the power of the President by two terms

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Birthday of the Kazakh writer satirist and translator Ospankhan Aubakirov (1934-1986)

Birthday of the Kazakh writer satirist and translator Ospankhan Aubakirov (1934-1986) - e-history.kz
Ospanhan Aubakirov was born in 1934 in the village Ushbulak of Jambul district of Almaty region. He graduated the Kazakh State Institute of Arts named after Kurmangazy on the theater department. He worked in various newspapers and magazines publishing offices of the country. The writer had distinctive sense of humor. His first book “The Ring” («Звонок») released in 1960. Then followed collection of short stories “Quail” («Звонок»), “Lefty” («Левша»), “What to hide?” («Чего скрывать? »), “Want to laugh?” («Хотитепосмеяться?»), “Ice” («Гололед»), “The word that butt” («Бодливоеслово»), “Short” («Корочеговоря»), “The wizard” («Волшебник») and “Do you understand the joke?” («Понимаетеливышутку?»). He was the author of plays like “Champion Hodja Nasreddin” («ЧемпионХоджаНасреддин»), “Stupid Cow” («Глупаякорова») and “Topsy-turvy” («Шиворот-навыворот»). His selected stories were published in Russian language under the title of “The wizard” («Волшебник»). O. Aubakirov translated into Kazakh language “Letters from other world” («Письмастогосвета»)of Aziz Nesin, “The city of cats” («Кошачийгород») of Lao She, “Autobiography” («Автобиографию») of B. Nushich, “The adventures of Baron Munchausen” («ПриключениябаронаМюнхгаузена») of E. Rapke and so on.